Oliver Mathys has an extensive wealth of experience.
Notable customers from across the green sector have been convinced of my competence and experience.
To name just a few…
- VDG (association of German garden centres)
- Messe Köln (Cologne Trade Fair) – Spoga Gafa and Tag des Gartens
- Messe Frankfurt (Frankfurt Trade Fair) – Floradecora/Christmasworld
- Rösle Gmbh &Co KG (BBQ and household)
- Schoneveld breeding Twello (grower of cyclamen and primroses)
- De Inspiratietafel (consumer films)
- Brockmeyer (garden centre)
- Invivo (garden centre purchasing group)
- Birchmeier Sprühtechnik (industry)
- Jardin Suisse (Swiss gardeners association)
- Ulmer (publisher)
- EkA – die Berater (for members of Ekaflor florists and specialist garden centres)